I hope you’re having a fantastic summer. Mine is going great and because of client vacations, my schedule has been more open than usual to do some things that have long been on my to-do list. I finally completed a draft of a book I’ve been working on and beginning the editing & publishing process.

One of those things that always seems to fall to the bottom of the list during busy times is professional development. The actual development and growth of my coaching skills. Coaching skills can be developed by reading books and taking classes but the real development happens through practice and feedback.

To this end, I’ve decided to make August my personal development month. I’m dedicating the entire month to investing in myself and becoming a even better coach for my clients.

I would love for you to be a part of this effort. I have set aside 15 spots on my calendar to coach individuals from the Brilliance Within community. The criteria to fill one of these spots is simple…

  • You have a current and real challenge or goal you would like coaching on
  • You are able to dedicate 45 minutes for the coaching session
  • You are able to dedicate 10 minutes to complete a feedback form after the session
  • You are serious about getting results!

If you fit the criteria, use the link below to schedule a time for your session.


Regardless of whether you fill one of these spots or not, I’d love for you to join me in making August your own personal or professional development month and let me know what you’ll be doing.