The What and How of Servant Leadership

One of the most frequently asked leadership questions I receive is how can I be hard-nosed about results, hold my people accountable while also maintaining a commitment to putting people first? The problem with this question is that it is being asked as an “either or”...

Stop Owning Your Team’s Growth

While supporting the growth of individuals on your team is part of your job, it is often lowered on the list of to-dos because of the time and money many leaders believe is required to do it well. This is especially true in smaller organizations where there...

The 4 Practices Every New Leader Must Do

Being a new leader is an exciting, scary, thrilling, and challenging prospect. When I was a new leader, I let the outside world know that I had it all figured out, but inside I feared failure, struggled with assertiveness and wondered, “Who in the world would ever...

The Power of a Humble Leader

Humility is typically considered to be the opposite of being prideful. While this contrast has been highlighted as a key characteristic of highly effective leaders (see Good to Great by Jim Collins), there is another aspect of humility that gives it its real power for...