7 Steps to Hustle and Wait Like a Pro

A friend on Facebook recently posted, “Good things come to those who wait and even better things come to those who hustle while they wait.” During my nearly five years in business, I’ve often felt like I’ve been doing a lot of both hustling and...

Can You Be CEO 10 Minutes at a Time?

Being the CEO of a company entails thinking about the bigger picture of the business and its people, in terms of: Vision What does the business want to be when it grows up? Purpose Why does the business exist or what role does it play in the world? Culture What are...

Master the Obvious to Grow Your Business

I’ve had lots of conversations recently about productivity tips and hints, as we all look for the “hack,” the trick or the app to get from point A to point B the quickest. Yet time and again, the thing that improves our effectiveness, productivity,...