Stop Owning Your Team’s Growth

While supporting the growth of individuals on your team is part of your job, it is often lowered on the list of to-dos because of the time and money many leaders believe is required to do it well. This is especially true in smaller organizations where there...

The 4 Practices Every New Leader Must Do

Being a new leader is an exciting, scary, thrilling, and challenging prospect. When I was a new leader, I let the outside world know that I had it all figured out, but inside I feared failure, struggled with assertiveness and wondered, “Who in the world would ever...

The Power of a Humble Leader

Humility is typically considered to be the opposite of being prideful. While this contrast has been highlighted as a key characteristic of highly effective leaders (see Good to Great by Jim Collins), there is another aspect of humility that gives it its real power for...

The Power of a Kind Leader

Kindness is another one of those words that has a variety of definitions and usually is associated with a feeling towards the recipient of our kindness. However, kindness is much more about how we act towards another than how we feel and a concrete act that embodies...