Chris Heim, President and CEO at AbeTech, is a growth-focused technology executive with a passion for serving clients, elevating others, and simplifying business complexities. In this conversation, we switch the tables and Chris interviews me on the heart of Servant Leadership. Listen in as we discuss what it means to hold company culture and embrace change in a heart-focused way.


Some of highlights of our conversation include:

1:25 – Turning a CEO Upside Down and Shaking Them

5:13 – Every CEO Has a Unique Value System

5:48 – Translating What We Hear Into Something Others Understand

6:46 – Going From the Head to the Heart

9:41 – Leadership Has to Flow from One’s Heart

11:19 – Perceived Weakness in Heart-Led Leadership

12:18 – Appreciating Servant Leadership as a Mindset

13:40 – Finding Our Way Through Obstacles (Every Minute Counts)

19:38 – Normalizing Disability

21:00 – Asking the Difficult or Uncomfortable Questions

22:12 – Everybody’s Dealing with Something

23:05 – When It Comes to Leadership, the Fundamentals Haven’t Changed

25:56 – The More Things Change, the More Things Need to Stay the Same

28:03 – What Happiness Looks Like

29:53 – Doing Things For vs. From Your Identity

31:20 – Nurturing a Culture to Draw Out Joy

32:12 – The Impact of a Work Environment Over Time

33:08 – Getting Into a CEO’s Heart

To learn more about Chris, visit his LinkedIn profile: