I’ve heard both thankfulness and regrets for 2012 over the last few days. Regardless of where you land on that spectrum of feelings, the beauty of turning the page on the calendar to the new year gives all a sense of newness and renewal.

For me, 2012 was a formative year. A wide variety of experiences shaped me, my mindset, my business and my plans for 2013.

I wrote and spoke a lot about leadership in 2012 and around October, I turned a corner on that topic. I evolved from a generalized, conceptual perspective to what leadership looks like in real life and in action. As I spoke with clients and others, this new focus helped make leadership a more real and assessable thing.

With the turn of the calendar, I’ve made another slight turn onto a new path, addressing a very specific set of challenges business owners and leaders face in meeting important results.

I have a big job to do in 2013, and I hear the same thing from clients and other business owners and leaders. I want to walk right next to you and when I can, I will step out in front to take the lead to support you in getting the results you need in 2013. Our work together will take many forms:

  • Giving practical advice, tips and thoughts about navigating topics like marketing, business development, customer service and personal effectiveness
  • Helping you maintain a strong balance in your life
  • Calling you be a leader to your employees, customers, network and community
  • Commiserating with one another when we take a hit

There are any number of factors that will play into our success. Here are four that I’ve been working on to be ready for 2013:

  1. Setting specific and measureable financial goals for my business I’ve set a big financial goal along with all the intermediate numbers I need to hit to reach that goal.
  2. Deciding on which ideas and strategies to implement and focus on to meet my goals This started with looking at what’s worked before, then adding in what I really love doing. Finally, I declared specific goals and targets to achieve each strategy or idea, along with an exact timeline.
  3. Managing my time and always ensuring the most important things are done first – I’m using Stephen Covey’s “big rock” approach to building my daily, weekly and monthly calendars and agendas.
  4. Creating a close support network of people I have hired a new coach. I also created a small group with two other professionals, for us to support one another in reaching our goals.

Would these four things help you get your year off to a productive start? Try and see!

Join me for a free workshop to Jump Start your Year. I’ll dive deeper in my formula for planning and give away my free new planning tool. Click here to register

I wish you all the best in 2013 and looking forward to doing it together!